Monday, 2 August 2010

Diary of Amy Street update

‘Oh my poor little Amy, my poor little girl!’ My dad was so upset, watching him made me cry. The officer who broke the news started to apologise and explain that nothing could have been done to save me as I wasn’t found until the morning. I went to see where my mum had got to. I found her in her bedroom; she was trying so hard to compose herself, but failing miserably. I really wanted to comfort her somehow. I wanted to give her a big hug. Being in spectral form I didn’t know how to. I thought a message from her would help so I wrote on her mirror using her lipstick. ‘I love you mum,’ I wrote.
Bad idea!
When she saw it she screamed and went into hysterics! Dad and one of the officers came rushing up the stairs to see what the matter was. Neither of them knew what to say when they saw the mirror.
I left them trying to comfort mum and went downstairs to see what Dave and the other officer were talking about.
Bertie watched me enter the room, so I went and sat on the floor next to him, and he turned round and rested his head against my knee as if I was actually there. Little Bertie had always been a great comfort to me, and it appeared to me that he would be even more so now as only he could see me.
Dave was watching Bertie and commented on how it seemed as though he could see something in the room that they couldn’t. The officer replied that dogs were often like that and that some people believed that dogs could ‘see’ supernatural things. He was a non believer then.
At that moment the other officer came down the stairs and into the room and told them about the message on the mirror.
Dave said that he believed that I was still around and probably in the house with them right this minute. Oh if only he knew the truth, that I was sat in the room listening to every word they say. He then showed them the note I had put on Bertie and explained the circumstances in which Bertie and himself had arrived at my parents and that the note was in my handwriting.
‘How can you be sure it is her handwriting?’ asked one of the officers.
‘I would recognise it anywhere, we used to write notes and love letters to each other all the time when we were together.’
‘How long were you together for?’
‘For about 6 years, we met at university, we only broke up about 3 months ago, she wanted to concentrate on her career and I wanted to get married, but she said neither of us were ready.’
‘Mr Webber, were you still in contact with Amy, after you split up?’
‘Yes, because of Bertie, and we had agreed to stay friends. I did have hopes of getting back together with her.’
‘Mr Webber, are you aware that Amy was pregnant, about four and a half months gone?’
He wasn’t meant to know, I was going to tell mum and dad at lunch today, and get their guidance on what to do, and then I was going to tell Dave afterwards, once I had decided what to do. Although I had kind of dropped a hint on Friday when I left him a voicemail message asking him to meet up with me at some point during the week. Somehow I have the strangest feeling that he never got the message.
What if Celeste heard the message instead?!Maybe that is why she reacted so badly to Bertie turning up on Dave’s doorstep. Maybe she thought I wanted to get back together with Dave and got really jealous.

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